Do LinkedIn Recommendations Help?

When you think about making your mark in the professional world, having a strong online presence is key, and this is where LinkedIn shines.

LinkedIn recommendations are like those precious gold stars in a report card that show just how awesome you are, and can be a super useful part of your online professional presence. These recommendations are written by colleagues, bosses, or clients who can vouch for your skills and achievements. They can give that extra push to your profile, making you stand out in a sea of job seekers or potential business partners.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into what LinkedIn recommendations are, their importance, and how they can help you in your career.

We’ll also go over how to ask for them, craft your own for others, manage the ones you receive, and avoid common mistakes.

So, if you’re ready to boost your online professional image, keep reading – there’s plenty of helpful advice ahead.

Key Takeaways

  • LinkedIn recommendations are personal testimonials that highlight your professional abilities and character, written by colleagues, supervisors, or clients.
  • These recommendations can significantly enhance your LinkedIn profile, making you more appealing to recruiters and potential employers.
  • Asking for recommendations should be done thoughtfully, by reaching out to people who know your work well and can provide specific examples of your strengths.
  • Writing a great recommendation for someone else involves focusing on specific skills and experiences, being honest, and using a warm, personal tone.
  • It’s essential to actively manage your recommendations by keeping them updated, displaying only the most relevant ones, and thanking those who took the time to recommend you.

What Are LinkedIn Recommendations?

LinkedIn recommendations are personal written statements that can give your LinkedIn profile a big boost. Think of them like a pat on the back from someone you’ve worked with before.

They’re different from endorsements because they’re not just a click on a skill; they’re real stories or messages that say how good you are at what you do.

A recommendation can come from a boss, coworker, teacher, or client – basically, anyone who’s seen your work and thinks you’re great at it.

It’s one of the best ways to show off your skills and experiences because it’s like someone else is telling the world how awesome you are, and it’s right there for everyone to see on your LinkedIn profile.

The Importance of LinkedIn Recommendations

LinkedIn recommendations are like a spotlight on your professional reputation. They do more than just say you’re good at something; they give others a peek into how you work and make a difference in your jobs or projects.

When someone is thinking about hiring you or working with you, these recommendations can help a lot. They see these recommendations and think, “Wow, other people really liked working with this person. Maybe I will too.”

Plus, when you’re looking for a job or trying to grow in your career, having recommendations on your profile can be a game-changer. They can be the thing that makes someone decide to give you a chance.

If a recruiter is looking at two profiles, and yours has glowing recommendations while the other does not, it’s like a sign that you’re the one they should talk to. It’s like having a bunch of thumbs-up from the people who have seen your work up close.

How To Ask for LinkedIn Recommendations?

Asking for LinkedIn recommendations can feel a bit tricky, but it’s really about reaching out to the right people in the right way.

You want to think about who knows your work well and can tell others about the great things you’ve done.

Once you have someone in mind, send them a friendly message. It’s okay to be clear about what you’d like them to focus on, like a particular project or skill, but always be polite and understanding.

It’s important to remember that they’re doing you a favor.

Here’s a tip for making it easier for them: remind them of the work you did together. This can help jog their memory and make writing your recommendation a breeze. And if they’re super busy, they might appreciate it if you offer to draft something for them to edit.

But the most important thing is to be thankful and patient; people are often happy to help, especially when they think highly of your work.

Crafting a Good LinkedIn Recommendation

Writing a LinkedIn recommendation for someone else can really help them shine. It’s all about focusing on what makes them special.

Start by mentioning how you know them, like whether you were their manager, coworker, or client. This gives your words more weight because it shows you’ve seen them in action.

What you want to do next is talk about their skills and how they use them. Instead of just saying they’re good at their job, give a story or a specific example of something awesome they did.

Maybe they saved the day on a tough project, or they always know how to make customers happy.

These little stories make your recommendation feel real and show off the person’s talents in a way that sticks in people’s minds.

And the best part? It makes both you and the person you’re recommending look good. It’s like a high-five that everyone can see.

Managing LinkedIn Recommendations

After you get some great LinkedIn recommendations, it’s smart to take care of them so they keep helping your career.

First off, you can choose which recommendations to show on your profile. If you have lots of them, pick the ones that really show off your best work or the skills that you want to highlight right now.

Every now and then, go back to your recommendations and see if they still fit the image you want to present. As your career grows, you might want to freshen things up with new recommendations that talk about your latest achievements or skills.

If someone wrote something nice about you, don’t forget to say thank you. It’s a kind thing to do, and it keeps your professional relationships strong.

Also, if you move on to a new job or get new skills, it’s a good idea to ask for more recommendations that show where your career is at now. It keeps your profile looking up-to-date and dynamic.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When dealing with LinkedIn recommendations, there are a few mistakes you’ll want to steer clear of. One big mistake is asking someone who doesn’t really know your work to recommend you.

It’s likely their words won’t have much oomph because they can’t give real examples. And if the recommendation doesn’t ring true, it won’t help you much.

Another thing to watch out for is writing a recommendation that’s too short or too generic. If it doesn’t say much, it won’t leave an impression on anyone who reads it.

You should also avoid waiting too long after working with someone to ask for a recommendation. It’s best to do it while the memories are still fresh.

Finally, don’t forget to return the favor. If someone writes you a recommendation, consider writing one for them too, if you can honestly say great things about their work.

It’s a nice way to build goodwill and keep your professional network strong and supportive. Remember that LinkedIn is a community, and helping each other out is at the heart of it.


In wrapping up, LinkedIn recommendations can be a super useful part of your online professional presence.

They’re like having your very own cheering squad on LinkedIn, telling potential employers or partners about your great work and character. By asking the right people in the right way and managing your recommendations well, you can really make your LinkedIn profile stand out.

Avoiding common pitfalls will ensure that these personal endorsements have a positive impact and reflect your professional image accurately.

With thoughtful requests, genuine, well-crafted recommendations, both given and received, and careful profile management, you can harness the full power of LinkedIn recommendations to help drive your career forward.

Now go out there and start building those relationships and recommendations that can open doors to new opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions about LinkedIn Recommendations

How many LinkedIn recommendations should I have on my profile? 

Having at least a few recommendations on your profile is a good start. There’s no set number, but generally, a handful of solid, meaningful recommendations is better than a lot of generic ones. Aim for quality over quantity.

Can I remove a recommendation from my LinkedIn profile? 

Yes, you can. If you get a recommendation that doesn’t really add to your profile or you think isn’t as helpful, you have the option to hide it so that it won’t be visible to others looking at your profile.

How often should I ask for new recommendations? 

There’s no strict rule for how often you should request new recommendations. A good time to ask is after you’ve accomplished something significant, like finishing a big project or when you’re moving on to a new role or job. It’s all about keeping your profile current and relevant.

Should I write a recommendation for someone if they ask me, even if I don’t know them well? 

It’s important to only write recommendations for people whose work you’re truly familiar with. If you don’t know them well enough to give a sincere and specific recommendation, it’s okay to politely decline. You want to make sure your recommendations are honest and meaningful.

Do LinkedIn recommendations really make a difference when job hunting? 

Yes, they can make a big difference. LinkedIn recommendations can sometimes be the deciding factor for a recruiter or hiring manager, especially when they’re trying to choose between candidates with similar qualifications. These personal testimonials can provide insight into your work ethic and personality, which might just tip the scales in your favor.


  • Janine Swart

    Legal Advisor & Social Media Manager
    In 2011, I achieved admission as an attorney to the Western Cape High Court of South Africa, signaling the initiation of my fulfilling legal journey. Since then, my diverse professional roles immersed me in the intricacies of civil, labour, and criminal law, fostering a well-rounded understanding of various legal domains. Even before my formal admission, my exposure to criminal and labour law laid the foundation for my eventual specialization. Throughout my career, I have remained dedicated to the principles of justice, fairness, and equity, shaping my approach to legal practice. While I hold a special affinity for labour law, my openness to exploring positions in other legal fields underscores my eagerness to expand my expertise and contribute to the legal community in diverse capacities. Beyond my legal practice, I have found a unique intersection between law and modern communication through social media management for law firms. Leveraging my legal background, I bring a distinctive perspective to enhance a law firm’s social media presence. Recognizing the pivotal role of effective communication in the legal realm, I apply my knowledge to curate content that not only engages but also educates and informs the audience. My blend of academic knowledge, practical experience, and commitment to ethical standards positions me as a formidable force in the legal arena. As I continue to evolve professionally, I remain steadfast in my pursuit of a legal career that not only positively impacts individuals and society but also enhances a law firm’s digital footprint through strategic social media management. My social media management skills include: - Facebook Marketing - Instagram Marketing - YouTube Marketing - LinkedIn Marketing - Social Media Marketing